The 7 Traits of a Skinny Person
Want to be skinny? Adopt these 7 traits of a skinny person.
To be a skinny person, you have to behave like one. Here are 7 traits that most skinny people have in common.
Skinny people drink water.
The majority of your body is made up of water. Your body craves it. Often I get a client who is considerably overweight and they say “I hate water, I can’t drink it”. The response that I keep to myself is “I know, and it shows.” If you cannot choke down plain water, try flavoring it with lemon or other non-calorie choices. When I worked at a hospital-based weight loss center, we preached 80 ounces a day.
Skinny people eat breakfast.
When you wake in the morning, it is after your body has been in a fasting state for many hours. Breakfast is important, even if you are not hungry. Our dietitian quotes a study with individuals that had lost 100+ pounds and kept it off and the first common denominator was that they ate breakfast. If you want to be skinny, eat breakfast to start your day.
Use cutting board and knife.
Say what? Why is this a trait of a skinny person? If you are using and knife and cutting board, you are cooking. You will never be thin if your meals are being handed to you through your car window, delivered in a pizza box, or served to you in a restaurant. You must cook. It is as simple as that.
No boxes or plastic wrappers in your grocery cart.
I can look in a person’s grocery cart and tell you if their lifestyle is healthy or not. A skinny person does not eat a ton of processed foods. If your cart is full of boxes and plastic wrappers, you will never be thin. Why? Because this is processed foods. Processed foods have things added to make them taste better. Things like salt, sugar, or fat! Go back to #3 above, and cook your meals from scratch.
Your workouts are uncomfortable.
We have all seen the fat person at the gym who is barely doing anything, but go home thinking that they “worked out.” Bologna! Exercise is only exercise if it is out of your comfort zone. If you are fairly comfortable, it is called activity. If you want to look skinny (above average), you have to exercise above average. This pic is a personal training client, Kate, and her workouts were above average!
Active outside the gym.
Going to the gym 3 hours a week is less than 2% of the time in a week. In addition to exercising, people who are thin are generally active. Go bowling, take dance lessons, golf, gardening…whatever…just keep moving. It does not have to be viewed as exercise to be considered activity.
The last one, number 7!
Read food labels. If you are reading a food label, that often means you are eating processed food. I mean, does broccoli have a food label? Okay, I understand that there are times you will be buying something with a food label. Read it and see what is in it. If the first ingredient in your peanut butter is sugar, try another one. Sugar, salt, and fat are hidden in processed foods. It is okay to eat sugar, salt, and fat, but do it on purpose…not when you are tricked into it. Don’t be fooled by the hidden crap in processed food.
The 7 traits of a skinny person are just that, traits. Traits are daily habits that kinda go under the radar. We don’t even realize that we are doing them. This can also be called a lifestyle. If you have lifestyle habits of an overweight person, you likely will be overweight. If you wish to be skinny, you have to behave that way